Tag: Technology

Term 3 Technology

Term 3 Sewing

This term at tech I have been doing sewing. At sewing we have been working on making a pillow for ourselves. One of the steps that we did was to sew 4 even squares together. In one of our very first lessons at sewing we got to look at a whole lot of different coloured material. Then 1 or 2 weeks ago I got to choose the material for my pillow.

Esmart Digital licence


I am working towards getting my Esmart digital licence.So far I have done 2/4 modules. All of the modules have a different theme.

In module one I  have learnt about how to balance my time on devices and how to balance my time doing other things like schoolwork, Family time and many other things. I have also learnt that if you are someone that spends all of your time on your device then it’s a really good idea to set a timer for yourself because if you spend all day and all night on your device then you could get sore eyes,bad posture and many other things.In the second module I haven’t done a lot but it’s all about kindness.


First day of tech

Today for Tech I was in group 7D and today we were doing Robotics, our teacher for Robotics was Mr Davidson. And we were building a robot out of Lego.Something that I learnt was that building a robot is a lot of work. You have to get everything ready and make it and then program it.

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