Tag: Safety

Cycle Safety

Explore the Christchurch City Councils Top Tips for Cycling page.

What information is on their page?

Can you find information about bike maintenance? 

What are the ABCs of bike maintenance?

How many kilometers of cycleways are there in Christchurch?

What is a hook turn?

What is a greenway?

What is something you found interesting while exploring the Christchurch City Councils pages?


            Question 1                                

There is information about biking rules.            


            Question 2 


 A bike that fits you well and is in good shape makes all the difference

            Question 3                                 

        A: for Air

       B: is for bracks

       C: check the air perisher

       C: is for Cranks, Chain, and Cogs

       C: Check to make sure coaster brakes will stop the bike. 


           Question 4

There are more than 60 km of cycle ways.


          Question 5

Hook turns mean that you can stay on the left side of the road at all times – 

you don’t need to move across traffic to turn right.


           Question 6

a strip of undeveloped land near an urban area, set aside for recreational use or environmental protection.


          Question 7

Something that I found interesting was that there is links within links about different things.