Tag: passion projects

Passion Project – Football

Today for passions I’m playing football with Stella,Evie and Kelsi.

Goals: Practice clean and straight passes, We will complete this by doing a passing game; Football 4 square, where you have to juggle the ball with your feet and the ball can’t touch the ground. My other goal is to get all 5 goals in with each of us having a turn in goalie. Then we will play a game of football.

By the end of passion project time today I hope to have decently good shooting skills. 

I am using our school values of

-Resilience – Kept on trying.                                                                                                                                       – Integrity – I completed this with no teacher supervision.                                                                          – Success – That I did it on my own.                                                                                                                         – Empathy – Worked with othersz to achieve this goal.