Category: Hanga | Create

Inquiry Fitness

This is my Fitness slide. Me and my buddy Shanara made it for our Inquiry work. We had to pick a random peace of paper. On the back of the peace of paper it said something like 11-15 year old, Couch potato’s, sports teams whatever one we got we had to make up some fitness exercisers for them. Me and Shanara got 11-15 year old On this slide it shows some stretchers for them.


Pick a path

This is my pick a path. I did it for cybersmart. If you have not done a pick a path I will tale you about on. So a pick a path is like a quiz you click on the word that you think is right. If you get it right you will go to the next slide but if you get it wrong you will get take in bake to the first slide. Now you can do my pick a path.

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