Day: June 11, 2024

Writing Prompt

Today for spelling and grammar we got given the task of writing a 300 word story. The assigned prompt for this story was “The explosion was enormous.” This is my story using the prompt.

Scared for life as I think back to the day where everything went wrong. People were knocked off their feet with shock as the explosion went off. “BANG” sparks of red, orange and green flew from building to building as they lit on fire. People screaming, Yelling and running for their lives.

There I was trapped in the science lab. Smoke and screaming surrounded me. I needed to find a way out. I blinked a couple of times, calmed myself down, thought where I was and how I can get out. A little while later I found myself rushing out of the city just like every other person. I turned on the radio just in time “Breaking News!” “Enormous explosion goes off in the central city lab. Leaves everyone in shock. The whole town has been evacuated for safety”


1 month later….

Our once beautiful,breathtaking city. Now for all I knew it was unrecognisable. buildings smashed, Cars crashed, People scattered. The streets were empty.