Persuasive Writing

At the moment in literacy we have been working on persuasive writing. If think i did good with persuasive writing because I haven’t really done any persuasive writing before. I think that next time I could do better on making it more persuasive because I think that I had put enough information in I just needed to make it more persuasive.

Here is my writing

Are you a part of a dance group? Or do you just like dancing in your free time? Either way dancing is amazing.

Dancing is the best sport there is and YES it is a sport. One reason why dance is the best sport is because it improves the condition of your heart and lungs, Increases muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness.Those are the physical benefits and here are some mental benefits; promotes confidence, self esteem, personal expression and flexibility of the body and mind. 

Did you know behind the scenes, dancers undergo extremely thorough and careful training, discipline, and dedication to perfect their craft. Many dancers dedicate their time and life to be an incredible dancer. Most dancers around the age of 10-13 realize that they want to put all of their training into action and pursue a career in dance at a school.

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