Month: August 2023

Term 3 Technology

Term 3 Sewing

This term at tech I have been doing sewing. At sewing we have been working on making a pillow for ourselves. One of the steps that we did was to sew 4 even squares together. In one of our very first lessons at sewing we got to look at a whole lot of different coloured material. Then 1 or 2 weeks ago I got to choose the material for my pillow.

Ski Trip


On Friday, year 7 & 8s got the opportunity to go to Mt Hutt and travelled in our school van,bus or parent vehicle. We had to be at school at about 6:15 because we would be leaving school at 6:30. On the bus it took us about 2 hours and 30 minutes to get to Mt Hutt. When we got there we got to go and get all of our gear on, the ski Jacket ,ski boots, skis, snowboard etc.  Once we got all of that covered we went to start our lessons. Our lessons went for about 1 hour and 30 minutes. Then we had lunch and got some free time for about 1 hour. I really enjoyed this opportunity because I have never been skiing before and it was an amazing opportunity.


At the moment in maths we have been working on our Cantamaths projects.

What is Cantamaths?

Cantamaths is a mathematical competition where year 7-year 10 get to create sculptures, posters,Models,Games and much more. They enter their project into a competition where only a number of projects will get picked from each school. If your project gets picked then your project gets taken to the Christchurch Town Hall where it will be displayed with hundreds of other projects.

This is the first year I have done Cantamaths. My project is about thunder and lightning I have been working on this with Maia. To make this we used a shoe box and painted it a light Gray,we used some pillow staffing and hot glued it on to the top of the box. We then got two little hand fills of pillow stuffing and painted it Gray and hot glued them to the underneath of the white pillow stuffing.We also did some research on our Chromebooks and printed out some facts and painted them with gold paint to place into our 3D diagram. I really enjoyed this because it was a challenge it taught me new things about thunder,Lightning and it gave me so many new ideas for next year. What I learnt from this is that it doesn’t matter what you start off with on your project you can always make it amazing as long as you work with the right people.