Month: June 2023

Personal Space

                             Personal Space

A good way to let people know that they are invading my personal space is by quietly telling them to give me some space because I might feel uncomfortabe.





Flushed Out!

Website link

On Monday we had someone from the Christchurch City Council come to our school. They came to teach us about Waste Water, Storm Waters, Fresh Water and where all those different types of waters go once they are in the city’s pipes. At the end of our session we came up with some ideas on how we can help to make a difference.

Here are some of our ideas

  • Collect rainwater to drink or use in garden etc
  • Short shower (3-5 minutes)
  • Don’t leave tap running when brushing your teeth
  • Don’t use dishwasher until it is full
  • Don’t fill bath up so much
  • Only do laundry when load is full
  • Use environmentally friendly cleaning products 
  • Buy water friendly appliances ( star rating sticker)

Waste water – comes away from house

25% comes from shower

23% comes from washing machine

18% comes from toilet

15% hose/outside

13% comes from taps

3% from leaks

2% from baths

1% dishwasher