Year: 2023

Water Safety

Emergency Floating Techniques:


If you are struggling to float in an emergency situation you can easily move onto your back and lay your head back until your ears are in the water and your chin is pointing up and away from your chest. Without pushing off the bottom, arch your back, push your hips and stomach toward the surface of the water letting your body move to its natural floating position. This position helps you to stay near the surface of the water where you can rest and get a breath while waiting for help to arrive in the event of an emergency. 


Another technique is to find a Chilli bin, Ruby ball or other floating objects. You can use these to help you float in the water.

3 Topics

What is the best thing on the school playground?

I think that the best thing in the school playground is the swings. I think that because they are fun to play on with friends.

What makes our school special?    

Something that makes our school special is our waharoa. Our waharoa has our school logo on it and it is also unique to our school.

Who is your favourite TV/movie character?

My favourite TV show is Friends and my favourite character is Joey because he is funny,dramatic and just hilarious to watch.

Zones Athletics

Yesterday I went to the zones athletics and I was participating in High Jump,Shot Put,Sprints and Relays. My first event of the day was High Jump, I came first in that event. After High Jump I had shot put and and I had Sprints in sprints I came 4th in my heat. My last event of the day was Relays. I was the 4th person to run in my relay team and we came 3rd. Over all I really enjoyed the experience.

First Aid

On the 6th of November we had Nikki from St Jonhs come to our school to teach us all about what to do if we are in a dangerous scenario. We learnt what to do if for e.g we came home and someone was unconscious,lying on the floor, in a chair, or in bed. First you have to see if they can hear you. Just start by saying your name if it’s a stranger. Then you want to put your cheek between their nose and their mouth. Whether they are breathing or not you need to put their closest hand to their ear,farthest hand onto their stomach, Then you want to bend there farthest leg to there butt and rowel then towards you with your hand on there knee. After this we learnt how to do CPR on a mannequin. I learnt that for CPR you need to do 30 compression’s and then 2 breaths.

Choir 2023

On Wednesday 1st of November Rawhiti School’s senior choir group was one of the many schools in Christchurch that performed at the Christchurch School’s Music Festival. We sang around 8 songs over the night. While we were singing these amazing songs we had a live orchestra playing the music. This was an amazing opportunity. I really enjoyed the night and being a part of our school choir group.

Athletics Day

On Monday 30 October we had Senior athletics.

The weather was nice not too cloudy and not too sunny. There were 6 rotations for all groups. The year 7 girls and the year 5 girls did their rotations together.

I really enjoyed taking part in the Shoot Put, High Jump and Sprints. Those three are also the events that I am going to Zones for. In shoot put I really enjoyed it because I think that I did the best that I have ever done before in shoot put. I ended up coming 2nd place with a finale throw of 8.10 meters. In high jump we had to jump over 1.5 meters to go to zones and there were only two people that could go to zones and those too people were me and Millah. We had to continue jumping until one of us couldn’t make the jump. We made it all the way to 1.20 meters. Millah came first because she made the 1.21 jump.I couldn’t jump 1.21 meters. The finale event was sprint. In my heats I came 1st and then in the finales I came 2nd.

Over all I really enjoyed the whole day and I can’t wait for next year.  


Today for Circle time we were learning about anxiety and how to manage our highs and lows. Nogo told us that we need to learn how to bring our anxiety to the middle and if it is too low then we need to bring it up to the middle. If you need to bring it down try breathing  in for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, and then breathe out for 5 seconds.

I think that anxiety is sort of like crashing waves at the beach. They sometimes go too big and out of control and you need to bring it down.