Sphero Triangles

Over the past couple of  weeks we have been learning about Sphero bolts. With the sphero bolts we had been working on making a right angle triangle. I worked with Tui for this project. I found it a bit challenging but in the end it all worked out.


Passion project

Passion Project     13/9/2024        Topic – Basketball

Today I’m doing Basketball with Millah and Maia.

Today I am focusing on getting shots in from the free throw line.

To do this I will be starting with getting 3/3 shots in and then i will be doing 5/5 and so on.



Millah, Maia and I started with doing around the world, then we did some dribbling skills. When we were shooting I didn’t get as many in as I hoped but with practice I will be getting better to achieve the goal. My long term goal is to be able to shoot nearly anywhere.

Comparing Shapes

This week in maths we have been learning about 2D shapes/Geometry. We have been learning how to identify shapes with recognising their properties.  This is what I made to show my learning.


Kia Ora Reuben Daivdson,


My name is Jessica Anderson. As you are the East Christchurch MP I have an issue to brooch with you. 


My issue is about the new school hours that Christopher Luxon has recently put in place with school starting at 9am and going until 5am. 


My concern is about the children who participate in after school activities. Because of the school hours they may not be able to attend their sport or sports. Team sports are a very big part of children’s life and wellbeing because they’re making new friends, they’re a part of a community and they’re feeling valued. 


My second concern is about the after school care programs and how they may go out of business because they have no children to attend there after school programs.


By committing to these schooling hours you are slowly destroying our community. With taking people out of business and taking away childrens opportunities.


Thank you for your time




  • It’s really good. 
  • I don’t think you could do anything to make it better. 👍
  • I like how you talked a lot about sports and how it’s good for children


Science Fair

Today during literacy Nicole and Sharon’s literacy groups went down to the hall to have a look at all the Science Fair Projects. There were so many different Science projects but the one I really enjoyed was the Papatuanuku Marble runs. They did a really good job with making them and it was really fun trying them out. I think that Uanita and I did a really good job with making it and it looks really good. I also think that our class project was really good. For our class project we made the periodic table where each student got assigned their own element.


Passion Project – Football

Today for passions I’m playing football with Stella,Evie and Kelsi.

Goals: Practice clean and straight passes, We will complete this by doing a passing game; Football 4 square, where you have to juggle the ball with your feet and the ball can’t touch the ground. My other goal is to get all 5 goals in with each of us having a turn in goalie. Then we will play a game of football.

By the end of passion project time today I hope to have decently good shooting skills. 

I am using our school values of

-Resilience – Kept on trying.                                                                                                                                       – Integrity – I completed this with no teacher supervision.                                                                          – Success – That I did it on my own.                                                                                                                         – Empathy – Worked with othersz to achieve this goal.